We have to get the memories to mom and dad before they disappear too! Cried Pegmegs. Well never make it in time! exclaimed
Samram. We have to go all the way across the computer. Oh dear added Tweeker. We cant give up now! Calm down, you guys,
I said. Theres one way to handle this. We have to get the memories to mom and dad before they disappear too! cried Pegmegs.
Well never make it in time! exclaimed Samram. We have to go all the way across the computer! Oh dear, Tweeker chimed in.
We cant give up now! Calm down you guys, I said, I have another idea. Holly, help Samram and Pegmegs hook themselves together
like a train. What are you making, Caitlyn, said Holly. Youll see, was all I said. Then I started to get everyone together.
Mr. Processor, can you kneel on top of Samram and Pegmegs and hold your arms up and out to your sides? Well, yes, I think
I can do that; but Ill look awful silly. Youre making a sailship! cried Holly. Right, I said. Then I took off my sweatshirt
and put it on Mr. Processor, making him the sail. I thought the fan from the computer would provide the wind. OK, Holly,
I said. You lie down in front and Ill help hold Mr. Processor up. Then I turned to Tweeker. Tweeker, there isnt room for
you, so well meet you back at Samram and Pegmegs place. With the wind in our ears we sped down the golden roads of the computer.